
Prophetic Workshop

The Prophetic workshop is a mini bootcamp. The students will explore realms of true prophetic ministry and how to sharpen their spiritual ears to hear & accurately interpret the message. The course explores judging prophesy, order, submission, spiritual warfare, activation, and much more.

Intercessory Prayer Module

This module explores various keys to intercession and the proper spiritual position of the intercessor in the local church. Additional subjects include: spheres of influence, false burdens, and spiritual assignments, and more.

Leadership Development

Certified as a John C. Maxwell Coach, Teacher, Trainer, and Speaker, Isha can structure a module that will support your organization’s need.  She is also licensed through John C. Maxwell to teach several curriculum and programs. (Click For More Info)

Isha also believes that leaders lead by demonstrating strong “followship”! Topics such as character, organization, management, setting attainable goals, and overcoming personal agendas will often be a topic of discussion.

Isha Odom is available for a wide range of events including: pastor and church anniversaries, conferences, seminars, lunch and learns, and workshops.  Please visit the “Contact Us” page to request more information.